...girls are a little crazy. Okay, some are a lot crazy. I am admitting this to you because I was driving the kids at work to school today and this Relient K song came on. Here listen to it in the video. But my cousin Abigail and I use to always listen to this song and make fun of it because we are both emotional people, sorry Abigail, and thought "Hey, if we just had mood rings it could be a warning to people!" Then today it hit me that sometimes I don't even know what kind of a mood I am in. Not that a mood ring would help or anything. That can be frustrating. Sometimes I can cry at a drop of a hat and the next second I'm okay. I am totally aware of this! This song always makes me laugh because it makes me wonder " Huh, I bet if all girls wore mood rings it would totally help out the guys in our life. Because when they ask us what is wrong or how we are doing 1) They can tell if we are lying 2) They can just look at the ring and know." Such a silly thought I know.
But, check this out. There is this greater being. I think some of you know Him. His name is God. There is this book that He had other people write. It's called the Bible. In one of the books inside this book is called Psalms. I was reading it a few weeks ago when I felt like I couldn't figure out why I kept having overwhelming thought about life, relationships, what was next and you know all those " BIG LIFE QUESTIONS" that we have as college students and couldn't get a grip on my mood and why I was feeling the way I was.
** Side note: I didn't think that growing up was going to be this complicated. I thought it was much more galmours when I was a kid. I'm learning that is not always true and sometime I wish I was kid again**
Anyways, right at the beginning of Psalms 139 it says " O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar." First of all there is excitement in David's voice. He is excited and over joyed that the Lord has searched his heart and that the Lord knows him. The Lord knows every aspect of him! What?! The God of the universe knows me! Fully knows me! Blows my mind. Which also means He knows what kind of moods I am in and why I am in them even if I don't know why. Yes, half of the time I am not sure why I am in the mood that I am in. That second part of the verse is what I love " ... you discern my thoughts from afar." The God of the universe knows my thoughts. He knows where they stem from and He knows why I am thinking what I am think even when I don't. That includes my moods. I don't know about you but that brings me a lot of comfort to know that even thought I may have no idea where these thoughts are coming from or where this mood is coming from God knows and He understands. On top of that I have someone to turn to find comfort and find peace in those moments and times when I can't even explain what I am thinking or feeling. God, He already knows and I don't have to say a word. I can just rest in His arms.
So let's be honest. Even though girls can be crazy with moods and sometimes you think that a mood ring will help. They won't! I honestly don't even think they work at all...but good to know that there is a God who still loves us crazy moody girls. =D
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