Monday, December 3, 2012

Same Old Same Old

It really have been a while since I have sat down and blogged. Maybe it's because I am busy or I just dont feel like I have anything of value to say these days. 

Truth be told it's most likely because I am lazy. I have found that since being home from Czech
{goodness has my heart has been missing it a ton lately} 
I have been battling laziness. I use to be really disciplined in a large amount of areas in my life. Now I just have NO desire. It is really frustrating. I know that God has not created me to sit around and be some lazy bump on a log. I know he has designed me to do SO much more. 

I was sitting with a friend in the kitchen this morning. We started talking about our passions, what our purpose is in life, how we want to get there. 
{Purpose, Passions, Pursuit}
It was such a motivating conversation. One that I haven't been able to get our of my head all day. It was one of those conversation that I am sure God used to push my butt into gear and stop being lazy. I find that it is so easy to sit around and "wait for life to start". You ever hear that one before? Well guess what?! Life started that day you were born. What am I doing with my life right now? The
same old, same old" is what I find I am telling people. I feel like I am stuck that I am sitting around waiting. That my time here is being wasted when I could be doing other things. This leads me to be unmotivated, undisciplined and lazy. The  answer " the same old same old" just isn't cutting it for me anymore. Why? Because I don't want to me doing the "same old same old". I dont want to sit around and wait for life to happen. I don't want to sit around and waste what God has given me.

God sent Jesus here to this earth. The Earth that he so specifically created so his Son could come to it and die on the cross for the sins of the world. My God is a God who is specific and He WASTE NOTHING!  He isn't wasting my time here. He loves me too much to waste my time. So in the answer of "same old same old" I am convicted that these days may seem monotonous and routine. But what I am doing with them to bring glory and honor to the Lord? 

What are you doing with your day to day life, in the "same old same old", that is bring glory to God. He isn't wasting our time in these days. He loves us TOO MUCH!

That conversation in the kitchen stirred all this. Me back into blogging, pursuing that things I was designed for so I can bring glory to the Lord in the "same old same old". 

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Call To Adopt

Well, I'm back here on this blog. With this I want to share something so dear to my hear.

I graduated from high school about 6 years ago. My time in high school was spent being sheparded by two amazing people. Todd Roughton, who was my high school pastor, and his wonderful wife Summer. Who was my small group leader for about two years. I spent time loving on their children, soaking up truth and love from both Todd and Summer. I developed my love of crafting and scrapbooking from Summer herself. Spent countless house at their house. 

God took them to San Luis Obispo, Oregon, and now Idaho. They were missed and still are missed greatly.  Now God has called them to something even more exciting. Adoption. I would try to tell you their story but trust me Summer does a much better job at it. So I'll go a head and let you read it about here at Just click on the website I just typed and it should take you straight there. They also has a vidoe about their adoption story. I watched it and cried!  So go ahead and watch it here.

Todd, at the end of the video, reminds us that as followers of Christ we are called to help the orphans. He too does a much better of explaining this then I can. SO seriously go ahead and watch the video!  RIGHT HERE!

Friday, January 20, 2012

I would like to announce...

that on May 29th I will be stepping onto a Jet plane destined for  Prague, Czech Republic where I will spend the next 3 months as an intern with Josiah Venture (learn more about the organization here)  leading English camp and telling the Czech youth about the good news of Jesus Christ. I AM SO STIKIN EXCITED!!!!!! I got the call on December 20th and was invited to be a part of the Czech Republic Intern Team. I ecstatically accepted!

This has been something that I have been praying about for the last 6 months. God has so graciously allowed me to be apart of this amazing ministry. I could write for days and days about what I am thinking and what I am feeling. There is just so much to say! 

I will be a part of an intern team made up of about 5-7 other people and we will be leading English camps. That includes training teams that come and going with them to camps to teach conversational English classes, play games, lead discussion groups, lead night time programs, sing, dance, share about Jesus, and build relationships with these Czech students. I am not kidding this is what I was designed for! If you have followed any of my previous blog posts then you will know how near and dear this ministry, this country, and these students are to my heart.

I have many challenges ahead of me. For starters I have to raise support. I have never raised support on this level before and yes I am VERY nervous for it. But I have already seen God providing for me in this area in simple ways. Why should I doubt? I have to figure out how my leaving in May is going to affect my school that doesn't end till June. There is preparation I know that the Lord is going to be doing in my heart before I leave and so many other different things that have to come together, and by God's grace I know they will, before I leave.

If you are reading this and you feel the Spirit tugging on your heart to pray for me I have a few request! =)

1. That I am diligent in my time and with the recourse that God is providing for me as I look ahead to fundraising.
2. That I will continually hand over to the Lord my anxiety and fear about raising money and that I can set aside my pride and humble myself to invite others into this ministry with me.
3. That I will not resist the preparation God will be doing in my heart
4. Unity of my intern team, softened hearts of the students we will meet, and provision for the other teams that churches will send over to serve with us.

I know and trust that God is working big in my life right now! If you would like to support me send me your e-mail address and address to my e-mail here : and I will be more than happy to send you a support letter and information on how to better support me. There will also be a few other things that I will be launching to raise support like my very own Etsy Shop , which is still in the works, and another secret event that I will just keep you guessing for!

God is doing great things!

His Hands & Feet
