Thursday, September 8, 2011


There is this girl. Her name is Megan Fate Marshman. Some of you may know her as "Spirit Girl" from Hume Lake. This morning I felt an urge, well more like a craving to listen to a seminar she did last year for camp. I knew I was gonna be in for a few good stories and a lot of laughs. But I was not expecting the words that God gave this girls to do to me what I have been praying about for a long time. I was not expecting it to answer prayers . Go ahead, listen to it. It's about a half hour long but probably one of the best way you can spend your half hour right now! :D

Did you listen to it? I hope you did!  

 I listened to it this morning and God just used it to give me the PERSPECTIVE change I know I have been needing. THE GOSPEL! How does it affect me daily? Does it affect me daily? This is the greatest story of all time and do I just let go in one ear and out the other every time with out affecting me in some way.  

How does that not affect me daily? As Megan spoke I realized I am a lot like her. I too am a people pleaser. I worry if people will like me or not. I worry if people will accept me or not. With being a people pleaser I always feel the need to be happy and to be out there with people doing things because it is for my popularity and for people knowing me. The more things I do the more people I will know. If I do this or if I do that it will make me cool and people will like me more. I have been living for people. Honestly, I'm 23 and I still struggle with what people think of me. I need to be concerned with what JESUS thinks of me. But, is Jesus enough for me? Do I let Him be enough for me in my life? I want to. I try. But it doesn't happen daily. I need to be concerned about His business and His people and a whole heck of a lot less worried about my own business and my own pleasures.

The Gospel can change lives. People know who Jesus is but they don't really KNOW who He is and what He is about. He is about changing lives! I wonder what my life would look like if I cared enough about His people and His Business to talk to His people about who He is? Ask people their stories, ask them if they know Jesus.

All this running through my mind made me come to this conclusion. Since being home from Czech {yes I know I talk about Czech a lot but whatever} I have been looking for my purpose. What God wants me to do while I am home. I was thinking it was going to be something big and amazing{I still have big dreams and want to do big things for God but that's all for a different post}. Here is the simple truth about my purpose of being home. There are two people who I know and love. I love these people with all my heart. My heart breaks for them because Jesus is not evident in their lives. I want them to love Jesus as much as I do. I want them to have a relationship with Him like I do.  But, the hard honest truth is they aren't there. My PURPOSE here right now... Be Jesus to them. Ask them to share their stories with me, ask them if they do know Jesus.

Pray for me as I start to do this!
{ I'll keep you all post}

1 comment:

  1. beautiful Jackie! isn't it wonderful how much we need the gospel daily. Not just once for sins but daily for life abundant?! Thanks for sharing :)
