Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Month Ago...

I stepped off a what seemed liked a never ending flight onto the grounds of LAX. I cried with every inch of the descent. I didn't it to be over but it was. I was back home in American and yet all I could think about was what the Lord was doing in the Czech Republic.

I spent 17 days doing the work of the Lord. Those are 17 days that I will never forget. 17 days that changed my life forever. Students learned some English, made some new lifetime friends, and heard about Jesus. The funny thing though, yeah their lives were changed, Jesus used them changed my life more than they will ever know. Now, being back home I am in heavyhearted season. I don't know what the Lord has for me next and I am such an impatient person that I just wanted to know what it is now. But the more I sit around wondering and stressing about what is next to come I might miss what Jesus has for me now!

I was on the Josiah Venture website, that was the organization we partnered with while we were in Czech, and I read a posting by Dave Patty who is the president of JV. It was titled Making This Year Count For Eternity. As I read it I wondered " What am I doing to make this season in my life count for eternity?" It doesn't have to be a big thing it could be something as simple as having conversations with people at work about who Jesus is or inviting them to come to church with me. There is so much that I can still be doing right here right now that will count for eternity and to further God's kingdom that by sitting here wait and wondering I might miss those opportunities.

This season will eventually be over and I will see brighter days. In every season He is still God and I still have a reason to worship and I still have a reason to make this time now count for eternity. If you are reading this and you want to pray for me pray that I doing things that count for eternity and that as the end of this season I will be more like me creator. Also, pray for the Czech students who we meet. That they will continue to grow closer to the Lord and that the leaders there in Czech will have wisdom and strength to be there for the students and walk with them.

Here is the link to the JV article I was reading.

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