Monday, November 2, 2009

The Real World: Santa Clarita

O.E. has been over for almost three weeks. That's super crazy considering we had four weeks of camp. Wow, time flies super fast. Well, O.E. ended very well. I was very excited for it to end because I knew that things back here at home would be crazy, and exciting, and fun, and that there would be so much to do.
I learned so much this season at O.E. I learned how to live with people who are tough to live with. I learned alot about myself and how God is changing my heart to desire specific things. I use to think that I was this girl who was never going to desire a relationship or anything like that. Over the past couple months God has changed my heart and I can't wait to start a family and be married and all those things. I learned that 5th and 6th graders are my favorite age group. I have learned that I like teaching and I am now on the pursing my Liberal Studies Degree. But, I learned a lot about my God. He wants to here specific prayers from me. He already knows my heart so why hold anything back from Him. He is faithful to provide and he is forever sustaining.
O.E. was great. I miss a few of the people, and I miss working with people and having a program job, and I miss teaching by the lake. God blessed me with that time and now I'm back here in the "real world" off the mountain.

This is by my favorite cabin of girls that I had had all season long. I spent a lot of time with them getting to know them and having fun with them. I actually just talk to a few of them the other day!

Now, I'm back in Santa Clarita getting my life started up again. It's been quit the adventure. I got a job in less than 24hrs of applying for it. I am an official Starbucks partner now. This has been kind of overwhelming because there is so much to learn and with the Holidays just around the corner things are about to really busy. Plus, I work at the one at our mall and well we all know how those holiday shoppers can be! But, I have no doubt in my mind that this is where God has me and that he is going to use me there. My consistent prayer is that I am a light to all the employees and every person that walks through that door of our store. So , I know that this alone is going to be a great challegen and a great adventure. I have been there for about a week and already feel alittle bit overwhelmed but I know that as the weeks go on and I start to get the hang of everything it will all just become second nature to me.
I started back up at our College Group. I came back at the perfect time to. Ron Merrell is our new College Pastor and he is amazing. He was the Junior High Pastor when I was interning at Grace and now he is the new College Pastor. It has been amazing to sit under his teaching. God has just blessed up college students with an amazing pastor. I also have just joined a small group. I haven't been apart of a small group since my sophmore year of high school. So I'm really excited to have a place where I can has sister to talk to and be encourage by and to encourage and be accountable to. Myself and a few of these girl are going on a road trip in about a week to Poratland, Seattle and Coeur d'Alene. So needless to say I have been very busy. I'm definitely enjoying life off the hill. I know that this is join to be a big year and I am looking forward to the things that God has in store.

><> Jackie

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